An update on UK Power Networks and small estate repairs and maintenance issues/victories…
UK Power Networks
PRERA continue to chase UKPN regarding the snagging list we complied of damage caused by the works on the estate, and on the works slow progress. We have requested a walkabout ASAP to hurry up the resolution of snagging in the areas where work has been completed and to better understand what is left to do.
Find out more in our previous blog posts:
UKPN walkabout update – 30.09.24
UKPN update – Grounds reinstatement
UKPN Electricity network upgrade and reinforcement
New/Reinstated Path
We have a new path by The Coburg Crescent Learning Disability Resource Centre and Ducavel House! During the demolition of the old community hall and the construction of the new building back in 2019-2022 the old path was removed and not fully reinstated. This left a muddy section that was a hazard for elderly and disabled residents, and residents with prams. PRERA requested this path be reinstated at no cost to service charge paying residents as it was a failure of reinstatement from the major works.

New bollards outside Ducavel House Garage
Bollards have been installed in-front of Ducavel House Garage entrance on Palace Road. Baly and Ponton House garage entrances already had bollards in place. Ducavel House bins experience some of the worst flytipping on the estate. The installation of the bollards is a low cost intervention that should discourage some of the antisocial behaviour as vans can no longer reverse into the bin space to easily dump rubbish. We will monitor the bins and see if this intervention has a positive impact.
The poor instillation of one bollard (it lasted a few days) has been reported to Lambeth as a recall due to poor workmanship.
Palace Road Water Leak
The water leak on Palace Road outside Despard House is back. PRERA have let Lambeth know. Hopefully because ownership of the leaking pipe was confirmed last year, the timings to fix the leak shouldn’t be as bad – however the owner is Lambeth so…

Dodgy Lamppost Fixed on Service Road
The previous terrible fix of a lampost that had been knocked by a vehicle (a door frame had been used to prop it up) has finally been fixed.