A resident of the estate (Cath) has been in regular contact with the Project Manager at Lambeth Council. She has been continuing to emphasise the need for clear and timely communication with local residents. She has requested that before any work starts on the construction site, local residents are given information about the measures that are in place to ensure the safety of workers and residents. The contractors (Farrans) are currently preparing a newsletter.
It sounds as though construction work is planned to start next month. Before the main work starts, there will be some activities to get the site ready, such as putting up a new hoarding (barrier) around the site. The newsletter will hopefully contain further details on timings and activities.
Cath has also asked for the following information to be provided to local residents: an explanation of why work is going to start soon, during the continuing pandemic, when the site has been abandoned for 4 years; what will be done to minimise the impact of the construction work on local residents and the local neighbourhood (for example, the measures to minimise noise and dust and the impact of site traffic).

This unit is a temporary one as the Resource Centre will contain a shop.
Cath has been continuing to pursue various other matters on behalf of local residents. These include:
- Asking for up to date signs to be put up around the Resource Centre site. The current ones indicate that the building should have been completed by now!
- Arranging for paving bricks which will be removed during construction to be saved for repairs elsewhere on the estate.
- Arranging for the PRERA noticeboard, which would end up within the construction site, to be moved further down Palace Road.
- Arranging for an urgent repair to fill a hole in the pavement beside the construction site. This was completed yesterday.
If you have any questions or concerns that you would like raised with the Project Manager, do get in touch at contact@prera.org.uk