The Palace Road Estate Residents Association (PRERA) exists to promote the interests of the residents of Palace Road Estate in Lambeth.
What is a Residents Association?
A Residents Association (RA) is a group of residents who have come together to improve their community. RAs are formed of resident members and their nominated
committee members. Visit the committee page to find out more about the current committee.
What does a Residents Association do?
- Represents all residents’ views through regular consultation
- Keeps residents informed of what is happening on the estate and local area
- Works directly with Lambeth to encourage good maintenance of the estate, and raise any specific concerns or issues
- Supports projects to improve to the quality of life of residents
- Organises social events/days
Who can join?
Everyone who lives on the Palace Road Estate – all Lambeth tenants, private tenants, leaseholders, and freeholders over the age of 16.
How do I get involved?
All estate residents are invited to become a resident member of the PRERA. It’s free, requires no commitment from you (only your name and email), and gives you the opportunity to have your say.
What is the committee?
The residents association has a committee that is elected from its members annually. Resident volunteers put themselves forward/are nominated to help run the committee yearly at an Annual General Meeting. RAs need a minimum of 5, maximum of 15 household to form the committee (the committee can only be made up of 1 person per household).
Our constitution (based on a Lambeth provided best practice standard) has been agreed by all the members of the association and was adopted at the Annual General Meeting in September 2023.