PRERA has restarted!

We are happy to announce that PRERA has officially restarted as a Tenants’ and Residents’ Association (TRA). This was only possible because enough residents joined the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in September, so a massive thanks to everyone who came down to the Hive Cafe, or joined online!

What now?
Officially re-registering the TRA has required some financial and legal admin over the last couple of months, so we ask for your patience while we work it all out. In the meantime, we have been busy with a few projects:

  • Planted grass seed and flower bulbs, and weeded flower beds, in the communal gardens
  • Dug drainage ditches to stop the footpaths flooding 
  • Reduced dangerous driving through the estate, with extra bollards and requests to the Waze navigation app 
  • Supported a group of leaseholders in Ponton, Despard and Chalner House, to oppose Lambeth trying to significantly increase leaseholders’ Major Works charges without consultation [S20 dispensation details here].
  • Reported all faulty communal lights on the estate to Lambeth Housing

What next?
Based on residents’ feedback gathered at the AGM, and from the online survey we have developed a plan for 2024, including: 

  • Planning a community fun day in the Spring (date tbc)
  • Consulting residents on plans for grass mowing and wildflower zones
  • Planting more flowers and trees around the estate
  • Providing secure bicycle storage for residents
  • Reducing dangerous driving and through-traffic on the estate
  • More control and transparency around communal heating bills

Please fill in the survey here, if you haven’t already, to tell us what is most important to you. 

The community day in Spring will include food, games, music, and gardening. If you have any ideas for fun events that you would like to see, or ways you can help, let us know by getting in touch at!