Last week some of the balconies on Baly House had their glass and wood removed and replaced with metal sheeting. This work was planned and undertaken without consultation with residents or PRERA, so it is not clear what is going on.
PRERA have asked the council these specific questions:
- What is the scope of the current works on the balconies? Has Baly House been identified as requiring the most urgent repair work? Which other balconies will be treated similarly with the metal sheeting, and when?
- What is the timescale for renovation of all the balconies in the original materials (wood and glass).
- When and how will residents be notified of the work on their balconies?
In addition, PRERA has raised concerns about stacks of glass, some of it broken, being left on the grass or leaning up against walls.
While PRERA has been campaigning for years for the balconies to be repaired and made safe, we want this work to be carried out in a safe, cost-effective and well-planned manner.