Despite the weather being decidedly wintery, we had a great time at the PRERA Spring Day on Saturday 24th April. Thanks to everyone who came along to help out!
All the raised planters along Palace Road were weeded and turned over, before new flowers and herbs were planted. Volunteers have given them a new lease of life – and they’ll look even better as the plants establish and begin to grow. Check them out next time you’re walking by!
Thank you to Floral Hall in West Norwood for supporting us with these plants.
They’re there for us all to enjoy so please help look after them. Pick out any weeds or litter as you pass by, or give the plants some water when the weather is dry. The herbs are for everyone to enjoy so help yourself, but remember to leave some for everyone else as well.
Did you visit the planting station and sow any seeds? We used seeds donated by Suttons and Thompson and Morgan to help residents brighten up their own gardens and balconies. Share photos of your new flowers as they begin to sprout, we’d love to see them!
If you’d like to join in more gardening activities across the estate, find out about opportunities by joining the PRE Gardeners group in our WhatsApp community, following us on social media or signing up for our email newsletter.