Since the relaunch of PRERA last autumn we have been busy getting PRERA out of dormancy and setting up all our systems and access with the new committee (the bit that takes a lot of time but no one sees!)
We have also been busy working on a number of issues informed by our online survey and in-person workshop at the AGM in September 2023.

Estate maintenance
Addressing the top issue that came from our surveys, we have finally got hold of a copy of the Serco contract (after a rather lengthy process including meeting with the Interim Contract Manager at Lambeth on the 28/02/2024). The headlines so far are:
- Serco is an external contractor with London borough of Lambeth, responsible for rubbish and recycling, litter and fly tipping on our estate
- Borough wide 6 year deal (2027), but could be extended up to a maximum of a further 8 years
- Street cleansing and an “expanded” recycling and reuse service, including the collection of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), batteries and textiles, as food waste collections
- Output based contract; no specific list of tasks or timetable of maintenance
- Based on a National standard grading system (N1195)
The contract is 64 pages, which we are currently reviewing to better hold Serco accountable. More information will follow.

Grounds maintenance and gardening
The gardening team have been busy tiding and planting on the estate including:
- Tidying and replanting planters and beds across the estate
- Pruning of the fruit trees across the estate
- Instillation of new planters outside of Baly House at no cost to residents
- Lambeth Bee Roads wildflower meadow planned this spring at no cost to residents
- 400 hedge plants acquired at no cost to residents to extend the hedge along the South Circular

Gardening volunteers needed for planting hedges along the South Circular
- 1st April Bank Holiday Monday
- 6th April Saturday
- 7th April Sunday
Meet at 10am outside the HIVE.
Estate Spring Clean Day volunteers needed
We have planned a community “Spring Clean” on the April 27th 2024. Meet at 10am outside the HIVE.
- Free seeds, flower bulbs and plants will be provided, to make our estate look its best, and provide residents the opportunity to grow their own fresh herbs and vegetables in the communal raised beds
- Gardening tools will be available to use
- Volunteers will also tidy up the estate, including litter picking and weeding
- All ages and abilities welcome!

Vehicles and transport
Initiatives facilitated by PRERA:
- New bollards installed to stop cars driving onto the grass area inside the estate
- New 5mph speed signs on Coburg Crescent installed featuring artwork created by children from our estate
- In the early stages of discussions to acquire bike sheds for the estate that will be free of charge to residents (more information to follow later this year)

Community events
We have applied for the ‘Getting Involved Grant’ to fund a summer community day on the estate this July. The exact plans depend on if Lambeth approve our grant application. Fingers crossed!
- Early July (date TBC)
- Live bands and DJs
- Samba drumming workshop
- Barbeque lunch
- Bouncy castle
- Face painting
- Outdoor children’s games
- And more! Can you help? We are looking for volunteers and ideas.

Services charges, consultations, and major works
- Service Charges – Heating: We wrote to Bell Ribeiro-Addy, our local MP. This is her reply: “While the current market continues to present formidable hurdles, early indicators suggest a substantial reduction in the average heating charge for the year 2024/25 of approximately 50% from 23/24 costs.”
- Major works – Challenging S20 Dispensation for Ponton, Depard, and Chalner: A leaseholder group of residents joined forces and together put in a massive effort to combine their documentation and challenge the additional costs. The dispensation was granted, but we still have other options to challenge the costs and quality of the work.
- Energy contract consultation: We submitted questions to the Energy Contract S20 and and the response we receive are here:
- Parking consultation: Questions sent into PRERA by residents have been emailed to Lambeth. We are awaiting Lambeth’s reply.