UPDATE: Following its successful delivery on 24th July, Farrans have been able to complete a substantial amount of the work that required the use of the Piling Rig. However, due to the discovery of unexpected electrical cabling there is a small amount of remaining work to do using this equipment.
The piling rig left site on Monday 3rd August and will return once the cabling is safely removed. Farrans will keep residents updated on when this will be.
In Farrans’ recent newsletter updating residents on the progress of the Coburg Crescent Learning Disability Resource Centre it was mentioned that a piling rig would be delivered during the week commencing 20th July.

Following the newsletter distribution, the Project Manager from Farrans, Gerard McNamee, has been in touch with PRERA to let us know that this equipment has to be delivered with a police escort, due to its size, and that this is only possible before 7am.
The agreement with contractors is that work should not start before 8am and so Farrans is planning the following to minimise disruption:
- The lorry delivering the piling rig will arrive on Friday 24th July at 6:45am, with police escort as required.
- It will reverse from the junction at Hillside Road to the construction site and then turn off all engines to minimise noise outside of working hours.
- The equipment will be unloaded between 7:45am and 8:00am, with Farrans being careful to keep disruption to a minimum.
Farrans has stressed it appreciates that this is outside of usual working hours and will aim to ensure residents are not impacted by this.
Should any residents need any further information on this, please contact Farrans directly: Gerard McNamee, Project Manager, 07885268525, GMcNamee@farrans.com.