Over several weekends in April, a group of volunteers prepped and planted our new hedgerow, extending the section planted in 2020. The hedge runs down the estate’s boundary with the South Circular, and once established, will improve the space for residents, passers by, and for wildlife.
A huge thanks to all the residents from the estate, who turned up to dig, weed, mulch, and plant almost 400 young hedge whips! It was good to see some familiar faces, plus some new ones. Thanks also to our neighbours from the Palace Road Nature garden who contributed their time, tools and expertise, to get all the whips into the ground.
An extra special thanks to The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) for their generosity in supplying all the free hedgerow plants. TCV are a charity who bring people together to create, improve and care for green spaces, for everyone. PRERA have successfully applied for free TCV Community Network Membership, which gives us access to practical resources and guidance, and possible future grant funding.
The hedgerow is made up of a mix of native trees, including Hawthorn, Rowan, Dogwood, Dog Rose, and Wild Cherry. Colourful Spring flowers will provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees, while Autumn berries can be eaten by birds. These native pollinators complement the new Bee Roads wildflower zone that has just been planted along the adjacent verge. The established hedge will also filter pollution from the A-road, improving air quality for residents on the estate.
Come and see the new hedge, the next time you are walking around the estate, or walking, driving or cycling down the South Circular. We hope it will be enjoyed by people and nature for years to come!