On 7th September the council announced that it would be changing the way recycling is collected from Coburg Crescent. Bags of recycling would no longer be collected from the front of properties. It would be collected from the rear of properties, like the regular (land-fill) rubbish in wheelie-bins.

For the first few weeks the waste contractor was not collecting recycling bags that were at the back of properties that don’t back onto the service road. Recycling was piling up. Rob made complaints about this to the estate services team on 26th September and 10th October. On 10th October the complaint was passed on to Veolia – the waste contractor. Today they replied, saying:
After the initial change in procedures at this location there was some confusion as to where the bags were to be presented for collection, resulting in a number of them not being taken each week.
We have addressed the problem with our collection crews and the estate services department and the issue has now been resolved. Collections are now taking place as per schedule and we have had no reports of a missed recycling collection for the last three weeks.
Is your recycling being collected when it should be (Monday morning)?