Residents and Open Orchard had an enjoyable day planting apple trees on Palace Road Estate last month. Many thanks to everyone who came along, including a number of keen young helpers. Thanks too to Thomas and Robert from Open Orchard who shared their expertise and tools.
We planted a mini-orchard in the grass area between Ponton House and Coburg Crescent. We also planted trees on Bushell Close, on Palace Road outside Ponton House, and on Coburg Crescent outside Despard House.

The apple trees are a range of different varieties, with some great names: Nuvar Freckles, Nuvar Golden Hills, Sunset, Kidd’s Orange Red, Laxton’s Superb, Self-Fertile Cox, Sweet Society and Bountiful.
The different varieties will produce apples with different delicious flavours, which will be ready to pick at different times. We will need to be patient though as it will be a couple of years before there is fruit which we can pick to eat.
PRERA purchased the trees from Keepers Nursery and you can read more about the different varieties on their website.

Many thanks to the following people and organisations who helped to make the planting day a success:
- Open Orchard
- Gerry, the Friends Group Coordinator for Palace Road Nature Garden, for lending us a wheelbarrow and trolley and donating woodchip
- Lambeth Landscapes / Lambeth Council for donating wooden stakes
- Keepers Nursery for their advice about selecting trees and about how to store them before planting.
During the summer, the apple trees will need plenty of water. If you would like to help with watering, do get in touch if you haven’t already done so (email Watering cans can be provided.