The Incredible Edible Lambeth (IEL) Estates Nature Project, is a year long series of events to support Palace Road Estate residents to look after and improve nature on our estate, as well as building community connection, and encourage learning of new skills.
The project is run by Thea from Incredible Edible Lambeth supported by PRERA (and run in partnership with Lambeth Council). We kicked off with a community consultation on the 5th of October. Catchup with our previous news blog post.
Thea, working collaboratively with residents, will empower us to improve our estate, giving us the tools to garden with nature and protect our vital green spaces. Here’s a first share of the plan of events for the project!
Bug Hotel workshop
Saturday December 14th, 2-3pm at the HIVE Cafe (see flyer below)
Free tickets here.
How to Grow Your Own Veg at Home
Saturday February 15th, 12-2pm, Chalice Way St Martin’s Estate
Palace Road Wildflower Planting
Saturday March 8th, 10am-2pm, meet outside the HIVE Cafe
Saturday March 15th, 10am-2pm, meet outside the HIVE Cafe
Foraging and Hapazome Workshop
Saturday March 22nd 1-4pm, Burgess Park
Windowsill Herb Garden Workshop
Tuesday April 15th, 2-4pm (Easter Holidays), Chalice Way St Martin’s Estate
Bug Hunt
Tuesday April 8th, 2-4pm, Palace Road Nature Garden
Nature Drawing Sessions for families at the South London Botanical Institute (dates pending final confirmation)
Friday February 21st, 12-1:30pm (Half-term)
Saturday March 29th, 12-1:30pm
Friday April 18th, 12-1:30pm (Easter Holidays)
Froglife pond installation on St Martin’s – Monday 17th Feb
Froglife creative nature printing session – Date TBC
The Incredible Edible project has a year of funding through the Social Value Fund and is in partnership with Lambeth Council, aims to support with Lambeth’s Biodiversity Action Plan and Pollinator Plans for Lambeth.
If you have any questions please email Thea Wong:
more information can be found at: