A letter was recently delivered to residents informing them that something called a Wednesday Walkabout occurred on 22nd March, which was, indeed, a Wednesday. The only information provided about this event is a compilation of results of a survey that was carried out by “knocking on all the doors in each block”. A resident who attended this event reports that only houses on Coburg Crescent were visited, which, along with the fact that the survey took place during the working day, explains the apparently low number of responses – 48.
Unfortunately, no copy of the questionnaire is provided, which, along with the small, biased sample (see above), makes analysis of the results difficult. However, it appears that the issue that most respondents were concerned about was “fly tipping” (when presently with a list of options, presumably).
Generally, the respondents were happy with estate cleaning and grounds maintenance. They felt that communal lighting was the improvement that they would most like to see (again, presumably, selected from a limited list).
When asked whether they use the recycling bins on the estate, a majority (59%) responded that they don’t. This is not a surprising finding, since Coburg Crescent residents’ recycling is collected in sacks from the roadside.
Leaving aside the limitations of the survey, it appears to support PRERA’s focus on estate lighting and dumping of rubbish. Do you agree with these priorities? Let us know.
PRERA is enquiring about whether the survey can be provided to residents of other parts of the estate and those who may have been out at work, for instance, on a Wednesday morning.