Many residents have difficulty storing their bicycles indoors, due to lack of space, and have to park them outdoors, where they risk theft or vandalism. The PRERA committee have therefore been looking into solutions to this problem.

One solution is the Bikehangar. This was the topic of an earlier blog post. Each of these secure storage containers houses six bicycles. Renting a space in a Bikehangar currently costs £42 per year. You can request a space in an existing Bikehangar or express an interest in having one installed at these websites:
If you are interested, why not register on both? Only when enough people have registered their interest will a new Bikehangar be installed. If you let the committee know we can spot when enough people have expressed an interest and try to push things forward.
Since £42 per year may be too much for many of us, the committee has looked into buying a Bikehangar. However, they cost £3250 each, plus VAT, so they are not cheap. There are less expensive bicycle storage containers, such as this. It may even be possible to turn existing garages or store rooms into cycle storage rooms. If you have any suggestions for suitable locations for cycle storage, let the committee know.