All residents should recently have received some documents from Lambeth Council about a proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the Streatham Hill area. The Palace Road Estate is within the zone and Palace Road is a road which would have parking controls. Coburg Crescent and Bushell Close are managed by the council’s housing department, so they would not be directly affected. However, should the CPZ come into force, it is likely that cars will be displaced into these non-controlled roads.

Until 4pm today, there is an exhibition about the proposed CPZ at Streatham Wells Primary School. Rob (PRERA’s Chair) attended to find out how Palace Road Estate might be affected. No council officers from the housing department were present, but he was told that it is expected that the housing department will consult estate residents early next year about introducing parking controls on estates. These controls are typically much simpler than those for the proposed CPZ, with only one price for a permit.